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Gamma Pi Boulé Foundation is a premier institution in the Chattanooga region with a time-honored tradition of positively affecting our community through the provision of financial support to local organizations. These groups provide inspiration, motivation and scholarships, as well as long term relationships and professional development to the next generation of African-American leaders.
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Paul A. McDaniel Boulé Scholarship Banquet 2023
On May 29, 2023, the Gamma Pi Boulé of Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity awarded four scholarships for the 2023 Paul A. McDaniel Scholarship. These scholarships are awarded to high school seniors who reside in the southeast Tennessee region and who have been accepted to an accredited four-year college or university. The awards are based on high moral character, superior academic achievement, leadership skills, and a demonstrated willingness to use their talents to improve society.
This year’s winners were as follows:
·● Maurquez Thompson of Brainerd High School;
College choice – Stanford University
● Evan Haynie of the Baylor School;
College choice – Princeton University
● Joshua Adams of the Chattanooga School for the Arts and Sciences;
College choice – Middle Tennessee State University
● La’Nari Davis of the Chattanooga Center for Creative Arts.
College choice – Middle Tennessee State University
The program is designated as the Paul A. McDaniel Boulé Scholarship. It was named in honor of a distinguished former Gamma Pi Boulé member , Reverend Paul A. McDaniel. Reverend McDaniel was a retired pastor of the Second Missionary Baptist Church, a former Hamilton County Commissioner, as well as a legendary civic and community leader. Notably, He was one of the founders of the Gamma Pi Boulé and a staunch original supporter of this scholarship program. More importantly, he embodied the honorable qualities and characteristics that we aim to encourage, stimulate and instill into these young scholars. Since its inception, over $180,000 have been awarded.
On May 5, 2022, the Gamma Pi Boulé of Chattanooga, Tennessee held its annual Paul A. McDaniel Boulé Scholarship Banquet at the Chattanooga Trade and Convention Center. This event as well as its primary financial source the Paul A. McDaniel Scholarship Golf Classic both honor and commemorate Reverend Paul A. McDaniel. Reverend McDaniel was a widely respected community icon, religious leader, long time pastor, trailblazing political leader and official, as well as a civil rights leader with influence throughout the Greater Chattanooga region , the state of Tennessee and the nation. This was the first scholarship banquet to be held since Reverend McDaniel passed in August 2021.
This memorable event honored five local young African American male high school seniors for their outstanding academic achievements and community service. The program was attended by the students’ families and monitored by Wade Hinton, Esq.. A highlight of the event consisted of a fireside chat with Judge Curtis Collier., which was moderated by a past scholarship recipient Mr. Jalil Barnes. Judge Collier spoke of how he had risen from humble beginnings in the Mississippi Delta region of rural Arkansas during the 1950’s era of segregation to become the first and only Black United States District Judge in Eastern Tennessee. This conversation provided a forum for Judge Collier to not only vividly recount his life story but to also give eye opening life lessons to the scholarship recipients. The program was well attended and well received by all.
The winners of the Paul A McDaniel Boulé 2022 renewable scholarships were as follows:
The annual Paul A McDaniel Scholarship Golf Classic was held on May 10, 2022 at the historic Brown Acres Golf Course in Chattanooga, Tennessee. There was a festive atmosphere, good food, fun and fellowship all for a worthy and noble purpose. Through this event the Gamma Pi Boulé Foundation raised a record amount in excess of $65,000 to support the scholarships.
The 2021 Paul A McDaniel Boulé Scholarship Awards Program was held August 6, 2021, at the Chattanooga Trade and Convention Center in Chattanooga TN. The Scholarship is named in honor of recently deceased Archon (“Leader”) Paul A. McDaniel, a charter member of Gamma Pi Boulé. Archon McDaniel was a widely respected community icon, religious leader, long time pastor, trailblazing political leader and official, and civil rights leader with influence throughout the Greater Chattanooga region , the state of Tennessee and the nation. We were fortunate that Archon McDaniel was present with us at the Paul A. McDaniel (PAM) Boulé Foundation Classic Golf tournament earlier this year. However, due to COVID-19 restrictions, he was unable to attend the Scholarship Awards Program Banquet for the first time. We lost Archon McDaniel on August 22, 2021, at the age of 91.
This year’s program was held in a COVID safe setting using strict guidelines. Attendance was restricted to the award recipients, their immediate family and Archons. The program was hosted by Archon Wade Hinton, committee chairman, featured an inspiration presentation from Archon Curtis Collier and a keynote presentation from Archon John Adams, chairman of the PAM Golf Classic. Introductions were done by Sire Archon Charles Bass and Sire Archon Elect Travis Lytle.
Archon Collier reviewed the plight of the Black male in society referencing their tendency to perform less well in academic settings leading to higher dropout rates and a greater likelihood of criminal behavior when lacking motivation and stimulation. He stressed the importance of self-confidence by highlighting Russell Wilson’s successful journey to becoming a superstar despite being told that he was too short to be a great NFL Quarterback. He reminded us that it was Archon WEB Dubois’ writings about the necessity of training men that lead to social action programs goals such as cultivation of the Black male, provision of scholarships that lift up and celebrate high academic achievements, and the significance of proving competent mentoring.
Archon John Adams gave a poignant rendition of his previously untold personal life story. He revealed how the impact of his complicated relationship with his father had affected him negatively as a young man. His mother, however, was a teacher and worked extra jobs to support the family. Although initially as a young man Archon Adams was a rebellious underachiever, he later married his high school sweetheart, started a family and quickly achieved academic excellence. He became an exemplary father, a respected naval officer and is now a successful Board-Certified Obstetrician & Gynecologist. He had learned and mastered “the true measure of a man”. Archon Adams encouraged the students to be purposeful and study like everything depended on them (not others). He told them to expect trials, victories, setbacks and a life of lessons to be learned.
The PAM scholarship supplies financial assistance to academically accomplished African American male high school seniors who reside in southeast Tennessee and who have been accepted to accredited four-year colleges or universities. Applications, written essays as well as interviews were used to judge the candidates. The candidates were screened using the “whole person concept” for high moral character, superior academic achievement, leadership skills and a demonstrated willingness to use their talents for the betterment of society.
This year’s winners are;
Samuel Ellis of The McCallie School receiving $3000
Elijah Parker of East Hamilton High School, receiving $2000
Jerrin Lowe if Ooltewah High School, receiving $1500
Joseph Dockery of The STEM School, receiving $1000
This program is primarily supported by The Gamma Pi Boulé Foundation Golf Classic. This years tournament was held at Brown Acres Golf Course in Chattanooga. Archon McDaniel was present and graciously welcomed each of the participants and sponsors. Thanks to an ever-growing list of sponsors and steady revenue, all current awards are annually renewable for four years if predetermined academic guidelines are maintained. Since its inception, over $100,000 have been awarded in scholarships.
We the members of Gamma Pi Boulé and Gamma Pi Boulé Foundation will always cherish the legacy and memories of Archon Paul A McDaniel.
In honor of this legacy, we aim to preserve the distinct honor and high praise associated with this scholarship so that it will serve as a reflection of his character and as an inspiration to all recipients.
Respectfully submitted,
Archon James Nunally, Jr
Gamma Pi Boulé Grapter 2021
Gamma Pi Boulé Foundation Wed Editor